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Неймовірна робота!


Дуже дякую за теплі слова! Буду вдячний, якщо ви залишите оцінку, оскільки це мені дуже допомагає!


Nice demo bro

Thank you very much! I would appreciate it if you could leave a rating as it helps me!


Oh, this was a nice demo! We are looking foward to the truth and the full game release!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for playing the demo, nice video! I would appreciate it if you could leave a rating as this help a lot!


bro i am Cuban i a need say This game is not in spanish? Alone in english? My english not is very good hahha


haha, I might translate it for the full game, thanks!


Comments below clip:

A man's got to do what a man's got to do... Or is it? Dive knee-deep into this immersive story, where you do things that might seem logical, but in hindsight, are they?

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.


Thank you for playing my demo!


You're welcome :o]


Gostei muito do jogo e não vejo a hora de ver ele inteiro.


Muito obrigado por jogar a demo, agradeceria se você pudesse deixar uma avaliação, pois isso me ajuda!


10/10 foi muito bom e não vejo a hora de vê-lo completo.


Hello, I played this game, and I enjoyed it! Good work :)


Hey! Thank you very much for playing the demo and the kind words!


man whatever I did, even for her that is pretty messed up xD


Haha, thank you very much for the playing the demo and making a video on it!


Arthur sus

Thank you so much for playing the demo and making a video on it!


Very fun demo for your game my dude! Interesting story, great graphics and smooth gameplay, I liked the music and soundscape tons! I had the feeling this guy either is hiding a body for his daughter, or maybe he killed for her? Either way I am intrigued! I enjoyed this and fully recommend! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Hey man! Thank you very much for the feedback and kind words, I enjoy hearing peoples theories of how the story pans out and you will have to play the final game to find out! I wrote the intro song in the car myself so thank you for the compliments! I enjoyed your vid as well, very entertaining, thanks again!


Very interesting plot. 


Thank you for playing the demo and making a video on it!


sehr cooles game

Thank you very much for playing the demo and making a video on it!


Great job on the game! Had a blast getting spooked, hope to see more from you! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for the kind words, I enjoyed your video on it!


Thank you!


Curious how this will unfold when it releases! its def not the horror i'm used to seeing!

Thank you very much for playing the demo and making a video on it, that's a very nice compliment you made, that it's not like other horror you have seen, thanks! Could you leave a rating as well as this will help me a lot, thanks again! Great video!


will do ! :) and thank you. My curiosity is definitely piqued!


Thanks again!




For this being 15 minutes I enjoyed every second! The environment really set the tone for me to get scared a couple of times. The driving segments were a bit long but that's my only negative thought about the game. I can't wait to play the full game when it comes out to get more of the story :)


Great video! Really enjoyed your reactions throughout and they gave me a good laugh! Thank you for the kind words about the demo, and I was thinking myself that the driving segment are too long so hopefully I can fix that for the full release. Thanks again for the feedback it helps a lot and could you leave a rating for the game as that helps me as well, thanks!


I will be playing this live tomorrow 11/26 around 630-7 PM EST =).


That's great! Would love to get your feedback on it when you play it!


Pretty scary and a good start to the game, well done.


Thank you very much for the kind words and making a video of the game! Great vid!


A good game with very scary sounds, congratulations to all the creators of this great game, I want ALL the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, thank you, greetings from Spain!


Thank you very much for playing the demo and making a video on it! I am the only developer of this game, thanks!


Muchas gracias por compartir la demo, me ha gustado muchísimo la trama, sobre todo por el suspense que hay constantemente en la demo, me gustan mucho este tipo de juegos, has hecho un magnífico trabajo, por eso te doy 5 estrellas, saludos!!!

¡Muchas gracias por darme 5 estrellas, me alegra que hayas disfrutado la demostración y gracias por hacer un video sobre ella! Utilicé el traductor de Google para esto, ¡espero que haya funcionado!

(1 edit) (+1)

Just played the entire thing and I must say, this is a really good demo! I really like how you build up the atmosphere.

I have a few feedbacks at the end of my video.

And I'd definitely try the full game out after this, definitely excited!


Hey, I just watched your video and loved it! First of all I want to thank you for the feedback, I love getting any feedback as it's the only way the game will get better. Also at the end the camera is suppose to rotate but I uploaded a patch yesterday that broke it, I now have it fixed, thanks for pointing that out as well as the typo. Glad you enjoyed the demo and thanks again for the feedback!


No problem! Do you have a release date for this?


Right now I'm not too sure but if I had to make an estimation I would say January.


I'd like to offer free voice overs for your next game if ya want. dont care for money, i just think it'd be cool to be featured in a game.


That's very generous of you for offering to voice overs for free, I will take it into consideration. Thanks!


It is a great game, loved the eerie atmosphere!


I'm glad you enjoyed the demo, thank you for the kind words and making a video about it!




Thank you very much for playing the demo and making a video on it!


Very good game, great, could you put Portuguese subtitles, thanks

Thank you for playing the demo and making a video about it! I only have the demo in English but I can definitely look into translating for other languages for the full release. Thanks again for playing!


Ok, thank you very much, I will post it on the channel soon, if you can put it in Portuguese when the full game is released, I appreciate it.


I will do that! Thanks!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, this was absolutely great demo game the sound in the game is really good & your first game great job & I can't wait to play full game cause this was really interesting game anyway well done keep it up!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as you did, and thank you for leaving a rating and comment!


Awesome concept! Looking forward to the full release.

Thanks for playing the demo and making a video about it, glad you enjoyed it! Great vid!

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